METZGER Metzger Sensor, Raddrehzahl Ford: Focus 0900023

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Metzger Sensor, Raddrehzahl Ford: Focus 0900023 Sensorart: Hallsensor OE Nummern: Ford: 1067208, 1088635, 98AG2B372BE, 98AG2B372BF A.b.s.: 30088 A.i.c. competition: 52994 Ate: 24.0711-6040.3 Bosch: 0 986 594 517 Bugiad: BA71035 Delphi: SS20061 Era: 560037 Fae: 78035 Febi bilstein: 32565 Ford: 1067208, 1088635, 98AG 2B372-BE, 98AG 2B372-BF Hella: 6PU 009 106-701 Herth+buss elparts: 70660309 Hoffer: 8290096 Lucas electrical: ELABS031 Mapco: 86607 Metzger: ABS-FORD009 Meyle: 714 899 0008 Nk: 292515 Optimal: 06S028 Pex: 410.071 Quinton hazell: XABS126 Sidat: 84.590 Smpe: 60011 Snr: ASB152.02 Swag: 50 93 2565 Triscan: 818016204 Trw: GBS1608 Vdo: A2C59513067 Vemo: V25-72-0027

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